Sunday 19 January 2014

Darkest Ecstasy

I tremble and shiver
I sputter and stutter
I cringe and hunger
All alone in this dark, damp corner

I was warned to keep away
From this damned road to agony
But I was too arrogant
Too proud
Look where I am now

When it was right
Oh damn it was right
An ecstasy unlike any other
From which I would never want to recover

But my vessel has gone dry
And I see the world as it really is
More clearly if at all possible

A broken syringe to the side
Blood dripping down my arm
My mansion in the background

I know what it is doing to me
I know of the pain that follows

But the devil keeps me on the floor
Whispering at me to keep having more
That this is an addiction worth dying for

-Izzat R.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Say Day

There are loads I’d like to ask
And much more I’d like to say
Like what I think of the weather
Or maybe a simple “How's your day?”

But I guess it’s unimportant
What I want to ask or say
As long as you are happy
It would probably make my day

So maybe it would hurt a little
If a time you were to say
“I have never been as happy”
And I wasn’t in that day

But it doesn’t really matter
What others think and say
All I want is to see you smile
Your smile that lights up the day

Sure I may never be the reason
There’s nothing I can do or say
But to see you happy once again
I truly wish to see that day

-Izzat R.


It is never an easy thing to do
To dread each coming day
Being forced to put on that filthy mask
To show the world everything is okay

I walk through the sea of people
Pretending to be unperturbed
By the tears that flood my floors
By the nightmares that haunt my slumber
By blood that paint my walls

Why don't I let the universe know
Why can't I rid myself of this mask
Maybe I'm a coward
Maybe I'm weak
Why can't anyone see?

I'm waiting for someone to take it off for me

-Izzat R.

Sunday 12 January 2014


Such beauty it was
As I saw it through the glass
It was amazing, divine
And best of all
It was mine

I was a happy child
Happy as I could be
As I cradled the jar around
So that everyone could see

But a day came when I saw
That it wasn’t as happy as me
It looked lonely and distraught
Maybe it wanted to be free

It was really a big conundrum
For one as young as I
There was none that made me smile
None like my precious butterfly

But in all my naivety
It dawned upon myself
The meaning of being happy
Is not only about yourself

With hesitation I decided
I opened the jar and set it free
Watched it flutter far away
Flutter away from me

Though my heart ached and burned
I still smiled with glee
For if it was really truly happy
Maybe one day
It will return to me

-Izzat R.

Friday 10 January 2014

Not Yet

I love the way
Her smile keeps them at bay;
The darkest rooms
The gloomiest days
The endless nights
She never ceases to amaze

I love the way
She knows just what to say;
When I’m lonely
When I frown
When the world
Seems upside down

I love the way
She turns night to day;
With her laughter
With her smarts
With her words
They captivate my heart

I love the way
She makes me want to stay;
Treat her right
Treat her well
Treat her like my Queen
Oh, can’t you tell?

She makes my heart flutter
She makes me swoon
But be patient, dear self
I’m sure you’ll meet her soon

-Izzat R.

Across The Oceans

The clock ticks slower and slower
Yet my mind is a raging storm
Whilst I tread amongst a sea of bodies
Of unknown names and unknown forms

The morrow never comes too quickly
Lest it contorts the greater cycle
But my soul only yearns for the day
When I can grasp you in my arms once more

The months can't pass any faster
My heart can bleed no less
Till the day I get to share your laughter
And hold my baby when she's a mess

These words may be hollow
These rhymes may be weak
The song of a voiceless soul across the oceans
Do heed, as unworthy as it is to speak:

I love you more than words can say
I miss you every single day
I pray for you wherever you are
I think of you; near or far
I dream of you throughout the night
With hopes that while I'm gone, I'll still be your shining light

-Izzat R.

Of Broken Yesterdays

What happened to all your promises
The ones we padlocked on a bridge
"Until the sun burns out", you said
Meaningless spittle you flung off a ridge

If only I realised then
The flowers were never once bright
The day you lured me into your garden
The thorns were hidden just out of sight

Of broken vows; Of broken yesterdays
A story of hate where dead roses lay
I'll let you cut me to a bloody, pathetic mess
At the very least, it will definitely hurt less

-Izzat R.

Through Grimy Veils

Your song echoes in my head
Though the radio has long been broken
Resonating wonders through my soul
Cracking my ribs, ripping my heart.

Your shadow dances beyond my vision
Untiring, unyielding
With not the slightest notice of my presence

Your soul; oh your soul
Burns brightly in my heart
But since then till tomorrow, you shall always be sealed
Within my sorrow, through grimy veils

Izzat R.

Sweetest Pain

If only you knew how I felt
In those moments I shared with you
You made me feel the butterflies
Those butterflies I once thought dead

If only you knew how your smile
Made the darkest nights shine
Made the starless skies sparkle

If only you knew how your love
Kept my autumn night dreams sweet
Kept my waking hours bright
Kept me on my arduous path
With your guiding light

But lest we forget
The sun don't always shine
The birds don't always sing
Two hearts don't always ring

The storm-clouds may be dark
The droplets pouring hard
But I'll keep you in my arms
Keep you dry throughout the rain

Cause darling
You'll always be my sweetest pain

-Izzat R.

Butterfly Dreams

I need only close my eyes and I dream of you,
Thinking maybe you're dreaming of me too,
If the demons dare bother you tonight,
Dream of me, and I'll be your hero - your knight.

-Izzat R.


I wished that I could skate
On the gossamer threads of time
Back to defy my fate

I plucked from the gardens of my heart
But was pricked with thorns of regret
When my blooms of love withered to hate

I stared life straight into its eyes
With confidence brimming
But struck out again
And again

I believed I held a pearl
Only to be drowned
By the ocean 
Of lies and pain

But now
I met that one person
Who became more than just a friend
Who taught me
That it is all worth it in the end

-Izzat R.

Sonnet Of The Longing Soul

My bones will never cease their aching
The further I traverse from home
A better man, this journey is to be making
As painful as it is to roam.

My veins grow hungry like drying rivers
Yearning for love across the oceans
Send me some, albeit just slivers
And quench the thirst of my emotions.

My nerves have yet to be at peace
Until which morrow, I know not when
But till my heart decides to cease
My love for you will never end.

Fret not, my parents, my brother, my lover
I'll be home soon.. Then I'll recover..

-Izzat R.